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Last update: September 12, 2020
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they pay a commission only when a deal is closed.Here you only earn passively without any hustle.Great.
added by Anonymous 989 days ago
they pay a commission only when a deal is closed.Here you only earn passively without any hustle.Great
added by Anonymous 989 days ago
We Share Success is a program on the unicorn network and safezone that provide a variety of different products to its affiliate members. and, when an affiliate member Promote those Products. and, when someone buy those Products so an affiliate member get commission for each action taken by people and it is not enough. When you invite other friends and family members to join. and they join under you and become your downline, so when they promote and someone book anything with their affiliate link so they will be rewarded with the commissions. but, you will get commissions as well because throughfive generation deep commission Plan. This will help the members to earn incomes without alot of energy.
added by Anonymous 1116 days ago
Yes as a yem holder the way I watch how yem increases it's value and the flashing in of new projects, I do believe the sky with be the limit in the safezone.
added by Anonymous 1637 days ago
It has allowed as to do business in the platform however it's also needs some logic to earn more . like inviting people in your generation needs when you are well equipped.
added by Anonymous 1637 days ago
We share success helps you get a good network system which pays off even without your awareness, so the more the people you approach and give free pernum, teach them to do the same or even better than what you did , then earning will never end in your life.
added by 1000943020 1637 days ago
For me I call it pipeline/residual income, b'se you sleep and money keeps flowing into your Account.
But this happens as you help as many people as you can to open up the pernum and participate in the safe zone activities or buy yem at an affordable price when it's still early
added by 1000987739 1637 days ago
The future lies in the YEM cryptocurrency. The currency of the near future. Let's get involved as much as we can. It is constantly evolving.
added by 1001045269 1637 days ago
Because safe zone gives us many chances of earning money without hustling because it gives us many investments like solarlio project, true water twinkl soccer, and many others
added by Anonymous 1637 days ago
We share success is the best way to get more information to another person and we get more commissions
added by Anonymous 1637 days ago
Indeed we share success has the best commissions Ever reason being their are many projects attached to it from the safe zone
added by Anonymous 1637 days ago
And this is the only right currency where by in wesharesuccess, its all abaut the skills one has to explain to people and they reach the agreement of ending adeal, simple once adeal is done, the participant is paid, well done safezone
added by 1000965722 1637 days ago
I agree because when u invite people to ur generation and when someone inur generation closes a deal with iur pertiner u be pain
added by 1001099282 1637 days ago
I agree because the more members you invite to join safezone are added in your generation and when the member in your generation is sealing a deal with YEM you get a percentage given to you wow look at such a golden wealth creation opportunity
added by Anonymous 1637 days ago
This is amazing in early ages people used to to warm very hard but they were under paid, but with we share success you work less and paid big after the deal in closed indeed safezone nalo
added by Anonymous 1637 days ago
Because it's secure quality security or it's on top arcoding to the personal security which makes it easier to know your customers with out inconvenience
added by Anonymous 1637 days ago
The concept of We share Success, is revolutionary concept, that ensures even distribution of wealth among participating individuals.
added by 1000885064 1637 days ago
I agree, at we share success when you give someone an invitation to SAFEZONE when that person closes adeal automaticaly you get a commission
added by Anonymous 1637 days ago
I agree because on the road to success we need other people to move with. No business can succeed without other people to support it. So we have to share success because it brings more happiness
added by 1000951584 1637 days ago
True!!!!!!!! True!!!! We share success with those who have mid open...
I always like to listen to world class
Thanks for the opportunities
added by 1000923395 1637 days ago