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In my own view I challenge that concept that Christian should not be involved in politics I feel that Christian should be given equal rights to participate in politics to make things better.
added by 1001277811 130 days ago 1    0

quant à moi la politique permet de se positionner dans la vie, pour mieux faire comprendre en tant que chrétien, donner une visibilité de la vérité pour éclairer l'opinion public, donc faire la politique en tant que chrétien est une bonne chose merci
added by AHOLIA MARIUS TRESOR YAPO 643 days ago 2    0

Yes, a true christians should not involved in politics. Because politics is a dirty games. Christiana are devoted in serving God on spiritual things not in government.
added by Anonymous 644 days ago 2    0

Christians should not get involved in politics

Since politics is referred to as a dirty game, it would be not good and appropriate for A Christian to get involved in it. In Christianity, good morals in the society, love and peace are being emphasized yet in politics envy, anger, malice and hatred are some of the key elements. So if your a Christian, better stay away from politics.

How do you vote?

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