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Singing & making music in general, helps us express ourselves even more
added by Anonymous 131 days ago 0    0

In terms of difficult situation singing and songs relief the pains in our life and equally makes us to forget about our pains.
added by 1001277811 137 days ago 1    0

For me, believe it all depends with your personality, some people would prefer silence, however music is part of our lives and its inevitable to this world.
added by Anonymous 440 days ago 2    0

Singing and songs always sets our hearts free whenever in hard situations. But it has to according to your styles. When it is against your style, it becomes noise and so it will help you at all. But still, music is part our lives.
added by Anonymous 589 days ago 5    0

I believe it all depends with your personality, some people would prefer silence, however music is part of our lives and its inevitable to this world.
added by Anonymous 609 days ago 5    0

They said that singing makes a person feel younger. It relaxes minds and eases stressful life. When we sing we forget our problems.
added by Anonymous 630 days ago 4    0

Singing always sets our hearts free more so when it fits your styles

Singing and songs always sets our hearts free whenever in hard situations. But it has to according to your styles. When it is against your style, it becomes noise and so it will help you at all. But still, music is part our lives.

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