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It has been observed that African countries don't obeyed the rules of law in terms of politics their leaders can do anything to retain Power back.
added by 1001277811 133 days ago 1    0

The use of votes and election will never be a solution to change dictatorial governance in Africa.

This is due to the fact that most African leaders believe in the power of guns and fighting to death in order to retain their leadership. They always persecute and kill their opponents to survive in the deal. So they don't believe that a mere vote by the use of a mere paper can oust them away from power. And really it can not easily take them out of power unless when democracy is exercised

How do you vote?

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Its not always like that. Only back then before independence did we fight like that, but now we know the value of ones vote.
added by Anonymous 644 days ago 1    0