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It is a general concept that politics is a dirty game. One of the main reasons why people seem politics as a dirty game is because of some atrocity they commit before entering into politics.
added by 1001277811 131 days ago 1    0

Some morally-upright persons see politics as a dirty game - All political dispensations have the challenges they tackle It is a common saying that if good men keep quiet in a morally bankrupt society, then they themselves should be ready to go down the drain with those corrupting that society.
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 1    0

Sometime it is played in secrete but yet so deadily and bad.
Hence they are termed to be deadly games.
added by Anonymous 446 days ago 1    0

Politics has no permanent friends and enemies. It depends whom you are benefited. That is why they called politics a dirty game.
added by Anonymous 640 days ago 2    0

Politics is purely deadly.In politics no one wants to lose, all want to win and they have to do whatever it takes to achieve a WIN.
They will ensure clearing all abstacles either by killing or jailing their opponents.
added by Anonymous 640 days ago 2    0

to me its only those who benefits from it calls it a good game but a gain you will find them with a lot of stress thus its a worst game ever in the world history
added by Anonymous 641 days ago 2    0

Politics is a deadily game ever.

Politics is good to them that enjoys it and it is bad to them that hates it. Probably to them who got negativity against it.
It is a real old game with actions of hatred, fighting and killing where possible.
Sometime it is played in secrete but yet so deadily and bad.

How do you vote?

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