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African countries are already corrupt and it will be kept on corrupting African countries can never be better again.
added by 1001277811 134 days ago 1    0

Due to the poor state of Most African countries, their citizens are ever hungry for money all the time.Corruption and bribery are friends and all rooted in Africa.People only look at their fellows and don't care about others needs.This makes corruption continue escalating in Africa
added by Anonymous 640 days ago 1    0

La corruption est l'arme des pervers et des hommes de pouvoirs. Tout homme voulant gravir les échelons et dominer les autres uses de ce système méprisable. Que ce soit les dirigeants que leur opposants, chaque use de la corruption pour garantir sa position et s'assurer une part du gâteau dans la caisse noire de l'État. En Afrique c'est tellement flagrant que la seule conclusion à en tirer est que l'africain aime se faire corrompre. Peu importe sa classe sociale...
added by Anonymous 641 days ago 1    0

Not only in african countries have spread corruption but to anywhere in the world. It became a human nature because of love of money. A person is not contented of whar he has but continues doing corruption to gain more.
added by Anonymous 641 days ago 1    0

It is hard to end corruption in some African countries.

Corruption is one of the bad practices that are being practiced in Africa.
This hinders a factor of free will in performing work.
A person's heart is ever influenced with money or any favor to offer a service.
And what makes matters worse is that the leaders are the key players of this corruption and so makes it hard to stop it in Africa

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