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Yeh it's true because sometimes, you can meet a small confusing condition which needs even all money yet you don't have, but you can try to get money from a neighbour and solve it, then pay him later.
added by Anonymous 627 days ago 0    0

Yes, you're right boss Because some times situations are not easy but when we sit down and plan according to what available have we can change on something than saying we don't manage.
added by Anonymous 629 days ago 0    0

Something good will come if it is based on positive ideas. therefore all problems can be resolved if the handling is done in a good and positive way in the future. positive things will bear the expected results.
added by 1001247866 637 days ago 0    0

To be positive always look every solution to be advantageous. A positive thinker does not give up in every he does,always set his mind he has the right direction of what his decision maybe thats makes him overcome in every situation.
added by Anonymous 638 days ago 0    0


The reasons to why I say that is that because Positive tinkers always have a solution for every problem which makes he or she becomes successful and aquire wealth, yet Negative thinkers have a problem for every solution. So Let's stay POSITIVE MINDED!

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