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True love only comes from a sincere and selfish heart. And all that is obtained from the love that comes from parents. They have raised their children without coercion and without any reward. even their lives are at risk for their children. their love and affection cannot be repaid in any way by their children. for that be devoted and obey our parents while they are still alive.
added by Anonymous 637 days ago 0    0

The love of parents is unconditional. It can be trusted even a child has done bad but the love of parents cannot be changed.
added by Anonymous 638 days ago 0    0

It's only a parent's love that is TRUE and TRUSTED!

The love of a parent is permanent, true and endless.Most people pretend to be loving others for specific gains and interests.Nothing a parent can demand you and if you fail to provide may lead to love termination.A parents love is forever and kept the same all times.Love your parents.

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Not really.I have ever witnessed parents who hated their own child to the extent of taking her to prison.After spending ten years in jail,she is now married to the prison officer, who has true love for her .then who truly loves her? Parents or husband?
added by 1001146770 636 days ago 0    0