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Politicians are extremely very bad during election they will promise the masses Heaven and Earth just for the masses to vote for them immediately they regain power and assume office they will forget those empty promises.
added by 1001277811 134 days ago 2    0

I agree with this opinion. politics can make a person into someone who is not his personality. Politics is worse than the behavior of bad people. with politics people can hurt a lot of people.
added by Anonymous 639 days ago 3    0

Politics is the only social game full of false and pretence!

In politics, many politicians falsely win the votes of people by promising them heaven and earth during campaigns and after gaining power, they say for God and my stomach and can't even remember who made them what they are.Tbey go ahead making rules that impune the lower people (voters) since for them will remain untouched.

How do you vote?

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La politica es un sacerdocio, es trabajar por el BIEN COMUN. Quienes engañan, manipulan y se enrriquecen en un cargo publico NO ESTAN EJERCIENDO LA POLITICA, se apartan de ella, traicionan esta Ciencia politica.
added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 379 days ago 1    0