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True...God is our creator & he’s above all,.he cannot allow us to know all about him..imagine why didn’t he kill satan instead of allowing his only son Jesus to be killed..wrong doers like thieves pray to him for their stealing missions to succeed and they do..and so do the righteous to inspire others.
added by Anonymous 635 days ago 0    0

Sometimes when trials came to us we don't understand why it happened. Only God knows and later we know why did it happen to us. We believe that in every circumstances in our life has a reason, only we trust God and it is good for us.
added by Anonymous 636 days ago 0    0

No one can understand God and all His ways.

God has His own ways of doing things and no man can complehend all His ways.
Some try through the Bible to say He is such and such but that's not all with Him.
His ways are higher than those of any human and no human being can be equited to Him in anyway.

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