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Life is so precious and delicate no amount of money can buy life meanwhile we have to guide it very well.
added by 1001277811 129 days ago 1    0

Exactly no mount of money can buy the life because Life is the gift in which God gi us to here peoples
added by Anonymous 437 days ago 3    0

Life is spiritual and no money can buy the spiritual realm .Always money is used in the physical realm. Life is controlled by the spirit. Its the most expensive thing ever existed since God created it .bible says we are bought with a price so we don't be log to our selves though He left us with choices to choose where we belong.

added by 1001255284 580 days ago 3    0

You can never give me money to satisfy me and take my mother's life.
Life is life no spare
Say once I lose my arm it's gone never recoverable.
added by 1000948034 624 days ago 3    0

Yes that is very true there no money can buy life even if you are too rich and if it comes to GOD'S time to take you, you have to go
added by Anonymous 629 days ago 3    0

For sure no any amount of money can buy life, mind you there is any cost of buying life, whenever you go around the world, totally there is no any single coin which could buy life, also life very expensive is the only our creator knows about our life, with life you can not stay alive
added by Anonymous 633 days ago 5    0

No any amount of money can buy life!

Life is the most delicate and expensive thing on earth.There's no spare or replacements for life.All the necessary human defense must be to ensure is in good condition and well taken care of.Once you lose life, it can't be got anywhere else.Life is the most important thing that can't be bought by money.Money maintains life but can't buy it.

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La vida no se compra, la vida se vive día a día. Nadie puede comprar, por ejemplo, 5 años o 10 años de vida, como comprar un kilo o 2 kilos de azúcar. La vida es intransferible, no se puede endosar. Lo importante es usarla para lo bueno, vivir en armonía con los Evangelios y con Cristo. La iglesia católica te enseña a vivir.
added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 352 days ago 3    0