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its right 100 percent, because when you love your family you need to wish good things to them too. And that is the love of God.
added by Anonymous 630 days ago 0    0

Never ever wish to be better than your other siblings but rather hold on their hands to be well so that you can provide simple contributions from many arms or pockets than looking at only hand and exhaust him alone.Its better for all family members to be financially well.
added by Bwambale Robert 630 days ago 1    0

You are always depended on when you are the only prosn who is well of in your family

If you pray to God to make you rich, pray that even your family members get rich too. If not so you will always be depended on and some will even get jealousy against you.
The best solution would be that if you get rich, try to uplift some of your family members to avoid over dependence.

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