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It's true but he said that when you respect the parents or mother and father and the prophet of God,you are surely Man of Hannah.
added by 1001052118 1290 days ago 6    0

True that and may Allah Grant us Jannat firdausi ya-rabbi, because each and everyone that's that's what wants
added by 1001111314 1290 days ago 2    0

Yes respecting parents and partners increasing the chances of going to jannah. And the other important way is prayer because Allah said that prayer is the key to jannah
added by 1001049122 1290 days ago 2    0

It's true because the parent is the second God to a person after God. According to the Quaran and the Bible , it's said that Allah/ God made Adam and got helper from ribs of Adam Eve to always help, guide and protect and protect him. So these two humans we're created to serve the work of parents and produce other people and fill the world except they hurried for things and ended up disobeying God. So, when we disobey parents we fail to enter heaven because we like disobeying God.
added by Anonymous 1290 days ago 2    0

We are fighting to go to jannah and the shortcut to jannah is respect our wives and mothers.

The prophet (saw)said when u respect your mother and provide her everything she wants you are assured of jannah because jannah is under our mothers feet and then it also comes from our wives too inshaallah

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