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Book keeping is very crucial in every business because it helps you to make follow up for all sales, profits or this case it is easier to find out where you can make changes as soon as possible....
added by 1001259702 444 days ago 1    0

, il y a une vie après la mort mais c'est différent de l'existence. La Bible dit qu'il n'y a plus de larmes et de douleur, plus de luttes dans la vie. Tous sont bonheur avec Dieu.
ajouté par Anonyme il y a 4 jours
added by Anonymous 624 days ago 1    0

, il y a une vie après la mort mais c'est différent de l'existence. La Bible dit qu'il n'y a plus de larmes et de douleur, plus de luttes dans la vie. Tous sont bonheur avec Dieu.
ajouté par Anonyme il y a 4 jours
added by Anonymous 624 days ago 1    0

Bookkeeping is just one of the fundamental factors that need to be adhered to for a young business to prosper and advance. Others are prior proper planning, acquisition of knowledge about the business, market assessment, etc.
added by Anonymous 628 days ago 2    0

Book keeping is one of the key factors that can help your business prosper.

Many people start up buisnessess but within a very short period of time, that business is gone. This is due to poor strategies and poor management.
However, when you start up your business, ensure a proper book keeping process and this will help your business grow as a baby to an adult.

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