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Uganda is s rich country since they have gold as one of the mineral natural resources every of their citizenry have to be rich in properties and financial aspect of it as well.
added by 1001277811 109 days ago 1    0

, il y a une vie après la mort mais c'est différent de l'existence. La Bible dit qu'il n'y a plus de larmes et de douleur, plus de luttes dans la vie. Tous sont bonheur avec Dieu.
ajouté par Anonyme il y a 4 jours
added by Anonymous 620 days ago 3    0

Uganda's income on gold mining should have helped situzens.

Most properties in Uganda are Ugandans belongings because they are at the land of Ugandan people who owns the properties on it but leaders have done much emphasis to release people's properties due to debits in the country and chase hundreds of people from their properties leading to poverty amongst people.

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