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The increasing population of people using social media such as Facebook WhatsApp Instagram and the rest of others have made it possible for communication to be easier.
added by 1001277811 130 days ago 1    0

It has done a lot of improvement in the communication
added by Anonymous 439 days ago 3    0

Most people are now days using glass because tamites can't eat steel
Even rain water most cases destroys the window slowly even if painted
Hence more usage of glass window than wooden window.
added by 1000948034 625 days ago 5    0

Business is something that sometimes gets close to your mind like a mhm and her baby.
It is something that you are progressing with in a daily life.
The way you manage it can either awards you or even demolish you. So it depends on how you handle it.
But now the factor to bring is, in all your plannings, don't put your family members in big positions for they might be hard to manage.
They may despise you even.
Only do it when your under written agreements.
added by 1000960893 629 days ago 5    0

Improvement in social network as a sign of massive communication.

As a sign of creating possibility and easier communication, we have to open up different ways of new network systems so that we make massive equipments for easy communication and increase in network systems where by each can be able to get in touch with many people around the world at large.

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