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, il y a une vie après la mort mais c'est différent de l'existence. La Bible dit qu'il n'y a plus de larmes et de douleur, plus de luttes dans la vie. Tous sont bonheur avec Dieu.
ajouté par Anonyme il y a 4 jours
added by Anonymous 623 days ago 0    0

Communications is very important in a company so that goals are achieved by addressing the proper thinhs to be done.
added by Anonymous 626 days ago 3    0

Timely communication is a Major factor in developing a company.

Every activity or work done in a company is communicated.Communication is the only way of organizing, inseminating and giving rules, guidelines, responsibilities, delegations and etc to company workers so that the aims and goals can be met.You can't grow in your business or company without effective communication.

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