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, il y a une vie après la mort mais c'est différent de l'existence. La Bible dit qu'il n'y a plus de larmes et de douleur, plus de luttes dans la vie. Tous sont bonheur avec Dieu.
ajouté par Anonyme il y a 4 jours
added by Anonymous 624 days ago 0    0

If yem goes on increasing what will happen is that all the the countries worldwide will accept yem currency and automatic Yem exchange in their countries

added by Anonymous 625 days ago 1    0

Yem is an organized digital currency. There is no coin you can compare it with. It is unique. Do not at any one time try to compare it with Btc, because the latter is a speculative crypto currency for trading whereas the former is your every day money for payments of goods and services.
added by 1001057999 627 days ago 5    0

The yem price goes on increasing what will happen

From last couple of months the price of yem goes on increases and may be some time it will reaches to BTC.
Suppose if this yem will goes to public exchange and what is the value ypu expected. So comment your points.

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