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If you fear a battle you will never reach any far in life
You have to strong in life to succeed in whatever you do believe in both when starting a battle because he strengthen us when we starting our journey in life and removes any fear and also fight for us avoiding danger is not safe in life
Overcome to fear of failure and you can neutralize self sabotage
If are an entrepreneur, you may be afraid you won't make it
We all need to take time to breath deeply. Our heads and be reminded that we can and will
added by Anonymous 622 days ago 0    0

, il y a une vie après la mort mais c'est différent de l'existence. La Bible dit qu'il n'y a plus de larmes et de douleur, plus de luttes dans la vie. Tous sont bonheur avec Dieu.
ajouté par Anonyme il y a 4 jours
added by Anonymous 623 days ago 0    0

, il y a une vie après la mort mais c'est différent de l'existence. La Bible dit qu'il n'y a plus de larmes et de douleur, plus de luttes dans la vie. Tous sont bonheur avec Dieu.
ajouté par Anonyme il y a 4 jours
added by Anonymous 623 days ago 0    0

La vie n'est pas facile parce que tout être humain sur cette terre doit se battre pour ses droits .Dieu a dis que dès que l'homme franchira la terre promise il devra se battre de toute ses forces pour atteindre son objectif. S'il ne fait rien il n'ira pas loin
added by Anonymous 624 days ago 0    0

Yes if you fear to battle in something you will not reach in a better life because GOD HIMSELF likes to see you when you are battling so that He can your courage
added by Anonymous 625 days ago 0    0

Battling only that word sounds fearful and in Africa most people don't want things which they see as streesing them they need simple life.
added by 1001234382 625 days ago 1    0

It is very true indeed, what ever one receives must be battled for first. These days there is no more the question of its my rights, even so, you will have to fight for your rights. So let's prepare for battle in all aspects of our everyday life.
added by Anonymous 625 days ago 1    0

If you fear to battle, you will never reach any far in life.

This life is full of battles. From battling for life to even a small item you have to receieve in life.
And if you expect to reach far, just learn to fight for your rights and for every inch.
God told the children of Israel as they were getting into the promised land.
So if you want to get into the promised land just learn to battle out your rights.

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