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Oui y'a d'autres moyens avec l'avancer de la technologie et surtout avoir confiance à toi et demander l'aide de Dieu
added by Anonymous 627 days ago 2    0

Je pense que gagner suffisamment de l'argent relève de la grâce de dieu. Mais il faut avoir aussi la la volonté de chercher des opportunités. Ainsi dieu tracera le chemin a suivre pour atteindre les objectifs escomptés.
added by Anonymous 628 days ago 3    0

Is there any easiest way of earning money in this 21st century

I think there isn't any simple way of earning, let it be betting or playing games to earn points for money.
I have observed that everyone who earns work very hard.
Even the richest person is still working hard to get more rich and to maintain what he has already attained.

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Earning money is not easy. You must have to pay for it by hard work. Even the wealthy ones are trying hard to earn money.
added by Anonymous 625 days ago 1    0