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If you have a digital access to cryptocurrency it is for your own good and welfare try to secure your wealth for future use.
added by 1001277811 122 days ago 1    0

Business is something that sometimes gets close to your mind like a mhm and her baby.
It is something that you are progressing with in a daily life.
The way you manage it can either awards you or even demolish you. So it depends on how you handle it.
But now the factor to bring is, in all your plannings, don't put your family members in big positions for they might be hard to manage.
They may despise you even.
Only do it when your under written agreements.
added by 1000960893 623 days ago 4    0

Je suis heureux de cette initiative car tout le monde sait que les monnaies internationale vont prendre le dessus
added by 1001065717 624 days ago 4    1

Are there special roles that will be created for the people that own crypto currency

My question is, if someone has a digital asset, is there any specific role he will be playing in the near future or he will just be like any other person.
For example if you are a social network international token holder, how will you benefit in the near future or if you have sora token.

How do you vote?

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With such innovation, it will be easier for people to use their digital funds to do all sorts of things. Digital money is an enabler
added by Anonymous 423 days ago 1    0