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No man is an island. You need someone to inspire you in your darkest moment. Loneliness will cause anxiety and depression it is bettee to talk someone.
added by Anonymous 625 days ago 1    0

L'homme n'est pas que mauvais. Il se trouve parfois qu'on soit gentil, ouvert et réceptif à quelqu'un. Donner c'est aussi recevoir et on ne donne que ce qu'on a. C'est réciproque l'amitié. Votre physique, votre prestance, l'honneté dans votre discours, l'amour qui sort de vos lèvres et votre attention font de vous une personne aimante. Et quiconque voudra lier amitié avec vous. On trouvera en vous une personne sage et vous serez toujours ecouté.
added by Anonymous 628 days ago 2    0

Business is something that sometimes gets close to your mind like a mhm and her baby.
It is something that you are progressing with in a daily life.
The way you manage it can either awards you or even demolish you. So it depends on how you handle it.
But now the factor to bring is, in all your plannings, don't put your family members in big positions for they might be hard to manage.
They may despise you even.
Only do it when your under written agreements.
added by 1000960893 629 days ago 2    0

Business is something that sometimes gets close to your mind like a mhm and her baby.
It is something that you are progressing with in a daily life.
The way you manage it can either awards you or even demolish you. So it depends on how you handle it.
But now the factor to bring is, in all your plannings, don't put your family members in big positions for they might be hard to manage.
They may despise you even.
Only do it when your under written agreements.
added by Anonymous 629 days ago 3    0

It is wise to ever find one person in life to please in a day.

Always live for other people and someone will live for you when your in trouble or even to your children when you're gone.
Never struggle to live for yourself alone in life because we were created as a chain of human beings where one offers a service to the other to sustain life.
When you meet beggers please don't rebuke them but help them out and God will remember about your giving

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You can never make anyone happy. Happiness comes from within not from without. Pleasing anyone is from no avail
added by Anonymous 628 days ago 2    0