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Others things that might probably increased the cost of wheat can also be government policy.There might be a kind of policy government will implement it will then affect the price of wheat in a country.
added by 1001277811 147 days ago 1    0

What would say is that most of the issue must be transport this is because of the increase in fuel and even country's economy is also poor
added by Anonymous 628 days ago 4    0

C'est exact, car depuis la guerre entre la Russie les prix de certains produits dont ces pays sont les premiers importateurs ont augmenté sur le marché mondial
added by Anonymous 628 days ago 3    0

C'est exact, car depuis la guerre entre la Russie les prix de certains produits dont ces pays sont les premiers importateurs ont augmenté sur le marché mondial
added by Anonymous 628 days ago 3    0

There are lots of people who have been talking about the increase on wheat prices

The prices of wheat in most African countries can be of different factors.
Some of these factors may include the increase on transport costs.
Another factor may be the changes in the economic sector. And other issues that we might not be about to understand by government policies and procedures.
Let me hear from you, what might have increased the prices of wheat.

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