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Window shopping are seeing items in the markets which they plan to buy in the future. It is a sort of surveying the prices so that they can compare which is cheaperbto buy. This habit makea them happy.
added by Anonymous 624 days ago 2    0

Window shopping is actually very good. It helps one to make a budget. Not only that, but also to know what is a new item on the market. So, sellers should make it a point to display new arrivals.
added by Anonymous 625 days ago 2    0

Yes this helps bity sides
The seller this one gets more customers and hence will always make more sakes and more profits.
The buyer this helps him to be aware of is being sold without even sometimes entering the supermarket
Hence ease with buying
added by 1000948034 625 days ago 1    0

Window shopping is part of shopping!

Window shoppers come to see new items in the market and their prices and after sometime, they organize themselves for real shopping. It helps them to know where to find products when there's need and the prices. It should be allowed by sellers like supermarkets to allow their customers be aware of what is offered for sale in particular days.

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