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It is also more preferable to use animals fat and oil than cooking oil, animals fat can even be gotten from milk of farm animals
added by 1001277811 136 days ago 1    0


In life it's good to use animal fats or oil you can get from milk which is done by your self instead of using packed cooking oil.

Sometimes it's good to just boil and eat because no artificial cooking oil you can use. That will be good for your healthy because you're the one who done it with even no preservatives.

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Some people are allergic to animal fat and cannot use that. oil like extra virgin olive oil is good if used fresh and not used for frying. by not heating it, it keeps its molecular structures and is tasty and useful to the body. Home made products can sometimes be exposed to oxygen that oxidizes the product and makes the oil dangerous
added by Anonymous 444 days ago 1    0

For me animal fat is not good for cooking because of so much cholesterol you will get from it. The good oil to be used for cooking is vegetable oil.
added by Anonymous 626 days ago 3    1