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On vient nu au monde, on repart nu du monde. Le matériel est terrestre même notre corps. A Dieu ce qui appartient à Dieu ( l' esprit) et au monde ce qui est au monde ( le matériel).
added by Anonymous 609 days ago 0    0

Yes, we come into this World with nothing completely, but during during during the course of our stay here, we gather a few items to make our living on this planet some how easy and comfortable but when we leave we go as we came.
added by Anonymous 618 days ago 0    0

We came naked and we don't go with anything cos whatever we do is for the better living and good life like buying a car building a nice house
added by 1000948034 619 days ago 0    0

It is true because how ever much you collect all of the wealth you go with nothing, maybe like in other religions where they burley you so many things.
added by 1000945510 619 days ago 0    0

The Bible further states that out of the dust we came, and back to the dust shall we return. So this truth also justifies that we shall return to our original state as in te beginning of creation.
added by 1000885064 619 days ago 0    0

It is biblical for christians which always reminds us to be humble ourselves because we are all temporary in this world. Nothing we came in so nothing also we bring when we comes out from this world.
added by Anonymous 619 days ago 0    0

Yes, we came nothing so we shall depart also nothing. That's why we shall humble ourselves and nothing to be boast of because everything in this world will pass away. Our wealth will not be taken.
added by Anonymous 619 days ago 0    0

We came with nothing in this world and we shall go with nothing.

In this world, no one came with anything. For we came with nothing and we shall go with nothing.
We came naked and we shall go the same just to be covered at the times of burrial but remember that some even go without being burried.
So don't be overtaken by the things of this world.
Don't be so greedy because you will leave all of them behind.
Just keep watching you will see how life is miserable to the proud at their end.

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