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This is the nature of everything that exists, let it be humans, and other manufactured things they all loose their value and will never the way they are originally.
People grow old they fall sick and die, this same applies to animals and plants, therefore knowing that all things have a specific time to exist.

added by 1001242910 616 days ago 0    0

Yes it very true the world is falling apart and it will never goes back to its former state because people in the world will change the world for good after learning from its falling
added by Anonymous 616 days ago 0    0

Yes, the World has changed and the World is changing and it will always change because Change is a fact of life. And as such it will always be. It is permanent.
added by Anonymous 616 days ago 1    0

The world is falling apart and it will never get back to it's former state.

It is true that things have changed and they have completely changed from what we used to know about them.
Everything is just moving fast in simple terms we can say it has grown too old.
Everything has been perveterd to what it used to be forexamole women who used to stay home taking care of children are now the bosses of men.

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