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In this world that we are in, many marriages are marriages of conveniences. The majority pretend to be marrying for love but it surely isn't the case in the true sense. Girls pretend to love you because of your money but when it depreciates, the so-called love flies away.
added by Anonymous 620 days ago 0    0

It all depends on the kind of person you are having and the causes of the problems that you are currently facing.
Some of the women perceive that you are the root cause of the problem and others think that if they run away from you the problems will be solved by someone else and they intend to take that refugee.
added by 1001242910 620 days ago 0    0

Why is it that when we are in bad situation or crisis some women ran away from their marriage

Some women ran away from their marriage because they don't love those men they live with but they need only to have where to stay for awhile and their money because they where they are going so they can not live with someone whom they don't love in bad situation

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They do
But the man treat them badly.
They do not care about them on top they do bit them like their own kids no respect they cheat them
Even they don't get time to share some ideas with them then the woman feel lonely ending up go away cos she has been patient for everything but no change.
added by Anonymous 620 days ago 0    0