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Many of us who are holding yem at hand don't know that they are holding treasures of wealth at their hand. Some didn't even value what they have until they seek it back they will not see it
added by 1001277811 130 days ago 1    0

Fue la mejor decisión que tome en ese momento, tengo YEM y me hace feliz, gracias a Dios y a quien me presento está maravillosa oportunidad de conocer YEM y todo lo que representa..
added by 1001210363 614 days ago 3    0

In fact nobody really knows exactly the true value of the Yem he/she holds in his/her pernum multi wallet. Why do I say this? Because you very well know that the value keeps changing every day.
added by Anonymous 614 days ago 3    0

What we need to do is know the value of what we have because it is very important for us in our future and let thank GOD THE ALMIGHTY who helped those people who taught us about yem
added by 1001234382 614 days ago 4    0

Yes being a Yem holder is very fantastic but you have to know what is the value of what you have so do not count you have put in but just know the value
added by Anonymous 615 days ago 3    0


Many are holding the treasure or something precious but they don't know. To some people, they will know what they have in eight years from now.

Some of them will not be with it which means that it will be already gone from there hands. Those who know what they have even if how little it's, they will be wealthy because of knowing what they got. Let me think you know what you have.

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