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In marriage it's those small small things that we tend to over look that matter. Because they keep adding up one upon the other and in the end become big. So don't wait to do big things, just start with that small ones.
added by Anonymous 612 days ago 2    0

Women in marriage considers little things more than big things.

Marriage is some how tactical to them that are already in it.
It is one of the oldest institutions that we ever had since the creation of the world.
To some people it is so sweet and to others it is becoming the most sour tablet they have ever tasted on.
But here is a tactic to make your marriage sweet. Just put much emphasis on little things and you do them to your partner.
Then you will see the results

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I don't think that kind of appreciation can be brought back to gender. In a couple everyone has his conventional role to play to contribute to the happiness of the family in a perspective of complementarity. The acts of each partner cannot be described as small or large insofar as what the man can and must do, the woman cannot and vice versa. A value judgment must be relativized or nuanced.
added by Anonymous 612 days ago 0    0