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It is better to try your luck if there is opportunity than not to try at all. They said a quiter never wins and the winner never quits.
added by Anonymous 609 days ago 2    0

Sure. In this world we should continue to try and keep trying until we succeed. Before you succeed, there is no reason why you should stop trying. And of course don't forget to pray unceasingly.
added by Anonymous 611 days ago 2    0

There are some people who fear to try out so as not to loose their money and other assets. If I may give an example of investment venture, you find someone telling you that he cannot invest in a long term investment because he will loose, if he buys land, some other people may grab it from him or her. Trying until you get what you want is the best way.
added by 1001242910 612 days ago 3    0

Never fail to try out your luck whenever comes a time to try out.

In this world there so many opportunities that comes to one's way. But all opportunities may not be yours.
However, there is no specific way or even tactic you can use to tell your opportunity and which is not yours.
The best option would be to try every opportunity or luck.
Try you never you will land on your opportunity someday

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