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Watching of football games and other activities gives joy to our future life as it relief us from emotional feeling.
added by 1001277811 121 days ago 1    0

Yeah, reading is an essential part of our living more so in this information age. You have to read not only about the future but also about the past. When you know the past, you prepare for the future.
added by Anonymous 607 days ago 1    0

There is of recent someone who was telling me to read a lot about the future

There lots of resources you can read about concerning the future and how it will look like. He was telling me that you will be watching a football game at home not using television but another kind of technology where you feel you are close to the people in the stadium and that technology will be so much advanced. Please embrace reading a lot about the future.

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We also need to read about the past to learn about how this technology developed and how history repeats itself.
added by Anonymous 421 days ago 1    0