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Hahaha everything I personally acquired here on Earth I really worked for it .It has gone in the era some people hope on one another.
added by 1001277811 131 days ago 1    0

And I've lost it all because of my own mistakes and now it's a struggle to get back what I once had God I have Faith in that will help me get there
added by Kevin Miller 599 days ago 3    0

possession must be taken to be precious, whether you worked for it or you received it from someone you love. As long as it is in your possession it means that you value it.
added by 1000953557 607 days ago 2    0

Most of the things you have came from your hard work. Nowadays which are in difficult situations only few are generous and you dont depend on them.
added by Anonymous 607 days ago 2    0

Any personal possession must be taken to be precious, whether you worked for it or you received it from someone you love. As long as it is in your possession it means that you value it.
added by Anonymous 609 days ago 2    0

Everything you have in this world was either given to you or you worked for it

The things we treasure most have been worked for, the things you were given by the people you love most are also taken care of as important but all in all the things you got after struggling for a long time are very much precious, that's why some of us take YEM as the most precious asset because it took us a long time to earn some dan

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