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Fine art pieces is a very lucrative business which anyone who wants to succeed or make it in life can predominantly engaged himself or herself into.
added by 1001277811 122 days ago 1    0

Yes, I know a daughter of a friend who sells her pieces online and earn from it. I am hoping to join Unicorn network so she can sell her pieces even better
added by Anonymous 423 days ago 1    0

You will have a chance as time is coming when people who crave for true and raw talent will search for those paintings that are made by hand, of which few of those will be left and that is an advantage
added by Anonymous 607 days ago 2    0

Do people still earn from fine art pieces

Fine art pieces can be tiresome however much it's a hobby to some people. Myself I love painting, I love drawing with pencil, however, the modern technology does it better.
The moment someone draws something and is uploaded on the computer he or she can twist in anyway, do you think, we as manual painters will have any opportunity.

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