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Gjjsk hjsldnd nakfjo ahk to bsis because life is good with friends
added by Anonymous 446 days ago 0    0

Don't stress your self on what you will be because you are not GOD just work hard and trust your GOD He knows what to do for you
added by Anonymous 597 days ago 3    0

Put your mind to work and be what God wants you to be

There are no limits to what you can achieve, and absolutely no restrictions to how high you can propel yourself, when you put your mind power to work. In his book "The power of your mind", Pastor Chris says that the mind is a spiritual entity, and its greatest potential can only be reached through the acquisition of the knowledge about God through his Word.

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They so called pastors who sent them? Let God issues be for God be because he has plans for everyone and what was meant for one to if not completed does not die
added by Anonymous 589 days ago 1    1