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Science improved on daily basis since every day by day new discovery emergences in the society for better living.
added by 1001277811 134 days ago 1    0

It is important to read instructions for taking all medications because if you take it and drink milk, milk will neutralize its effects and the medicine will not work
added by Anonymous 441 days ago 1    0

What you have to do is follow the instructions from the medical doctor so that you can get what you want because it is you who knows why to have it
added by Anonymous 600 days ago 6    0

Yes, some tablets or even injection, when you get them and then you drink milk,it will neutralize the medicine, so that's why they advise you not to take milk.
added by Anonymous 600 days ago 8    0

There are some tablets which have instructions that if you swallow them you don't take milk

There are some tablets wherever you swallow them they tell you not drink milk or you should not eat other foods. I am not sure whether these drugs are still in existence,
I don't know whether they could make such medicines or they couldn't make alternatives.
I believe the science has improved on that and now there are lots of alternatives

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