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The only advised I want to pass across here is that we should try to avoid anything that can cause sickness in our life.
added by 1001277811 134 days ago 1    0

Yes, in order to avoid this deadly disease, you have to watch your eating habits. Because its your own body that produces the acid that corrodes your intestine and causes ulcers.
added by 1001057999 598 days ago 4    0

Definitely yes, irregular eating meal habits causes stomach ulcer that leads to serious illness. Do not skip meals and eat regularly.

added by Anonymous 598 days ago 4    0

What causes stomach ulcers is a because of poor eating habits

Some people get sick of stomach ulcers because of poor eating habits and others get ulcers because they don't have enough food. Others get sick because they use other chemicals like smoking, alcohol and the daily medication of some chronic diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure. They can also be caused by eating excess oils.

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Not necessarily. stomach ulcers can be caused by H. Pilori, a bacteria that invades the stomach lining and cause ulcers. Stress is also a precipitating factor.
added by Anonymous 441 days ago 1    0