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According to Quran Allah says: (The matter is directed from the sky to the earth and then ascends to it in a day whose length is a thousand years of what you reckon).

added by Anonymous 509 days ago 0    0

Yes because one day is equivalent to a thousand years because when you repent your sins the enjoys even God came happy so at that time you better than those who say iam born again every time every day God does not like those thanks
added by Anonymous 587 days ago 3    0

In the eyes of God, so the Holly Bible says, one hundred years are just like one day. This is because there is no measure of time in Heaven. It is eternity.
added by Anonymous 593 days ago 4    1

Did you know that 1 day to God is equivalent to 1000 days?

According to the bible in the book of 2 Peter 3:8, the Bible says that one day go God is like a 1000 days and 1000 days is like one day.
So this means that God created this world in 6000 days.
You might be not knowing this but that's what the Bible teaches.

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