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On planet earth, everyone has a roll model he or she like, loves, believes in. In a homestead if ur the first born and u don't study, everyone who follows u also fail to study cause their first child didn't make it and they can't also get morale in studying.
added by Anonymous 590 days ago 4    0

Yes and also you have to admire as you are working on something. Also don't just admire someone when you don't know what he or she is doing, there are some people who will mislead you due to the looks whereas he gets his riches from ways you don't know. I think there is no person in this world who cannot admire, but the looks sometimes mislead us.
added by 1001242910 591 days ago 4    0

Administration alone can not produce any tangible results on its own. You must play the part of pursuing what you admire,and aim at achieving the same status.
added by Anonymous 591 days ago 4    0

A person who doesn't admire others can not go to the next step.

Is you are poor and you can not admire the rich then you can not go anywhere.
If you are at any lower level and you can not admire those above you, then you can not get anywhere still
You need to be am admirer and a positive admirer not a negative one.

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