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Global warming can be stopped by planting many trees in an area, that is forest and wetland conservation.
added by Anonymous 594 days ago 5    2

When ever a problem arises within the population, different organizations and scientists plus governments, will always try by all possible means to find a solution,and will continued until the best is attained.
added by Anonymous 594 days ago 4    2

Is there anything that can be done to stop global warming

There are lots of measures that have been going on to stop global warming, and some have advocated the growing of trees. There is a way where the measures are not effective, as the species of trees that will help to cab down the effect of global warming have not been specifically identified. Does it mean all kinds of trees help to cab down the cause of global warming.

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You can not stop something that does not exist!
As with many other subjects coming out of politicians mouth, global warming is just another way to make you under their control.
added by Anonymous 588 days ago 3    0

You can not stop something tha does not exist...Global warming is just another of many scams to scare you. "Ice melting...water lever rising nonsense.
added by Anonymous 594 days ago 4    0