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Investment is the best way to generate more money but when you are investing invest wisely in a right platform
added by 1001277811 139 days ago 1    0

Let us learn to save, however little mone we have.
Little by little will always lead you where you want to reach-that is achieve your goal for saving!
added by DEOGRATIAS NSENGIYUMVA 599 days ago 4    0

Advice of safeguarding your saved money.

* Put your money to work by investing to generate income.
* Make friends with the right people.
* Don't entertain FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real).
* Control your expenditure- live within your means.
* Educate yourself about finances (Financial education).
* Lend only the money that you can afford to lose.
* Be careful with the people you guarantee for Bank loans.

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