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Salut à technologie,la science et bien d'autres évolue d'un manière incontrôlable depuis la pensée juste qu'à la création et connaissance fait que le monde évolue encore plus rapidement. la carte de crédit qui était pas connu de tous de no jours est un outil indispensable dans toute les couches sociales car elle permet à l'homme d'avoir accès plus rapide à son argent dans la plupart des cas et dans toute les transactions.
added by 1001258295 595 days ago 5    0

Credit cards are made to facilitate financial transactions, because by using a credit card, one does not need to carry cash. One of the advantages of using a credit card is that all transactions are detailed in detail.
added by Anonymous 597 days ago 4    0

This is a good story about the credit card that had escaped my attention. Thanks, now I know. Although it is magically changing the world, the form is different. It is now digital.
added by Anonymous 597 days ago 4    0

PASSWORDS are the way today, however, this will not happen in a night.
let us embrace not to fight as we understand how it works and how it can improve our daily lives!
added by DEOGRATIAS NSENGIYUMVA 598 days ago 5    0

"How The first Credit Card Came"

"The first Credit Card was created because of the embarrassment of a man who had to pay for dinner but had forgot his wallet!.

Now the world is Magically being Changed

All you need is just your password and master pin to pay for your everyday goods and services.
*Get a Pernum* ✍️

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