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it is hard to balance money and God. As the bible said you cannot serve two masters at the same time. If you hate the other you love the other and vise versa. Money is the opposite of other.
added by Anonymous 572 days ago 1    0

Yes God is above all and is our creator we should all respect him and praise him because is alfr and omega when he says no no one can say yes
added by Anonymous 586 days ago 3    0

It has never been so hard to balance GOD and money but because people do forgot whom who gives them money and think that the are the one who makes money
added by Anonymous 586 days ago 5    0

Yes it is hard to balance money and God. As the bible said you cannot serve two masters at the same time. If you hate the other you love the other and vise versa. Money is the opposite of other.
added by Anonymous 588 days ago 4    0

Money is needful to sustain life and at the same time God is the Creator that we all need to worship for it is the only reason why we came here on earth to worship him. But we don't know God he's the one who knows us.
added by Anonymous 588 days ago 4    0

Yes, I agree with you that it is hard to balance God and money, but for sure it is not impossible. Yes, it can be done. Here the best example is King Solomon. He managed both successfully.
added by Anonymous 588 days ago 5    0

It is so hard to balance God with money. One will take over someday.

It is so hard to balance God with money. One will take over someday.
Money is needful to sustain life and at the sametime God is the Creator that we all need to worship for it is the only reason why we came here on earth to worship him.
However, some be people have found it so hard to balance the two. They end up being taken by one of them.
But the truth would be that God should be above all things and incomparable to anything. So don't let money take the position of God in your life.

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