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Thought is a constructive state of mind.It can ether bring positive imagination or negative imagination which can either favour or may not us.
added by 1001277811 152 days ago 1    0

My comment is wealth creation time and my family my children sisters my parents and neighbors through yem ithought we are going to be teacher than we are
added by Anonymous 594 days ago 7    0

positive thinking will produce positive things too, always think positively in the face of all problems then the road to success will be wide open and the universe will be what you think
added by Anonymous 594 days ago 7    0

Distinguish the thoughts that come to you.

Thoughts are pictures of the mind that have constructive possibilities. But on the other hand, a person's thoughts if wrongly employed can keep him/her in bondage and clog the wheels of success and progress. You should therefore effectively channel your thoughts in the way that God wants you to.

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