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You can't be dreaming to go to heaven and at the same time hate the creator who giveth them the breathe of life.
added by 1001277811 145 days ago 1    0

Yes family member,even the Bible says,Not all who say lord lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven.we are not here to judge but remind our bros and sis's. Good heaven.
added by Anonymous 523 days ago 2    0

Those people who want to go to Heaven yet they don't love God, who is the owner of the Heaven are confused by the devil.It is his trick. He keep lying to them.
added by Anonymous 587 days ago 7    1

Uh! Did you know, there are some people who want to go to heaven but hate God.

Uh! Did you know, there are some who do not want to miss heaven but yet they hate God.
It is such an amazing thing but it's the truth.
Almost all people say that they want to go to heaven but some hate the owner orlf heaven even by their actions.
Such peioke will never see heaven at all.

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