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Education is power and it is the only way of life.If you want to be successful in life acquire education first.
added by 1001277811 154 days ago 1    0

Poverty Reduction.
Connecting Across Borders.
Sense of Accomplishment.
More Productivity.
Better Communication.
Critical Thinking Skills.
Identification of Skills.
Greater Sense of Discipline.
added by Anonymous 583 days ago 2    0

Education is indeed good but I think it really depends on what type of education you should give your children. To me education that doesn't include financial education isn't helpful.
added by Anonymous 593 days ago 5    0

Education is the only best key to the success in the world of today

Educating children's is the best way of getting success in your life
So all parents are advised to educate their children's for a better living
Because with out education one will never become aminister anywhere
And my brothers and sisters if you have got a chance of education use it THANKS

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No my dear, maybe some of those countries which as good democracy but other countries no. Their give you job considering where you come from, son of how! And etc. So education is key for those which are there family a rich.
added by Anonymous 584 days ago 4    0

No, not true, these days changed, it's who you know that determines, you may have all and die poor, what you know, who you know can lead you to succeed in life.
added by Anonymous 592 days ago 5    0