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The advancement of science and technology and the inventory of new things has caused many people to denied their creator God. Hold God fast in all situation.
added by 1001277811 146 days ago 1    0

The word of God has now advanced with in the technological changes that are taking place in the World. So, you can afford to get it on the radio, TV, smart phone, laptop and computer. The same means can be used to support God's work.
added by Anonymous 586 days ago 5    0

Today's technology has promoted too much leisure time thus evasion ofGod

Most people in today's society have evaded God through many ways
They have denied the work of Goa because they pretend to pray on television, radios among others leading to God's evasion
So as we enjoye life let us also remember him (GOD)

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Even though Technology has its disadvantages, it is also full of many gains, advantages, and benefits. Even now we are enjoying one which is this platform. Technology like any other device, invention, or era is bound to its users and usage.
added by Anonymous 586 days ago 3    0