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Crying baby is a great blessing to those who don't have problem in terms of child bearing. Meanwhile people who are looking for a child is seeking for a means to them crying baby at house with them.
added by 1001277811 153 days ago 1    0

I can assure you that every child is a crying child. Even you and me, we cried when we were still young. You see crying is the child's way of attracting attention.
added by Anonymous 592 days ago 5    0

Crying babies can be adorable to some people and at the same time make other angry.

Crying babies can be adorable to some people and at the same time make others angry. The difference is how you see the world, and your perspective of what the world should be. A crying baby is a blessing and they just need care that they can't give to themselves at the moment. So it's our responsibility to take care of them until they are of age to do so themselves.

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