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Sleeping net helps a lot in human life first and foremost it protect human being from extreme bite of mosquitoes and a lot more.
added by 1001277811 147 days ago 1    0

The nets have helped a lot in the control of malaria prevalence
added by Anonymous 432 days ago 1    0

Ha! If it were not for sleep nets, I can assure you that the majority of us would be sick by now. So who ever invented this idea of the sleeping net did an excellent job.
added by Anonymous 584 days ago 4    0

Sleeping nets are one of the world's best inventions.

Sleeping nets are one of the world's best inventions. The simple material allows for fresh air and ventilation and stops bugs, and pests both flying and crawling from getting access to the uses. You can use them indoors and outdoors. The world needs more inventions like those to keep us safe.

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It is one of the interventions but not the only one. This is used for preventing mosquito and other insect bites. other measures can be instituted to prevent multiplication of mosquitoes especially the ones that cause malaria.
added by Anonymous 435 days ago 1    0