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Patients as they said pays but however it pains too.With the way the value of yem keeps on deprecating in values on daily basis pains me a lot. Of a truth it is becoming frustrating in claiming yem in
added by 1001277811 153 days ago 1    0

True. You are very right. There is a saying that patience pains but it pays. And I think it is true. Every one these days wants to do things chap chap,and it's for this matter that many have been scamed.
added by Anonymous 591 days ago 5    0

The reward of patience is far greater than the reward of instant satisfaction.

The reward of patience is far greater than the reward of instant satisfaction. We are in a world where everyone wants things done instantly with the speed of light, bullet, or rocket, whichever one is faster to your liking. And we bring this mentality to everything we do; prayers, weight loss, mining of cryptocurrencies, etc. All of these are good causes but they all need one thing to make a change, patients. You will gain more with time in all of these and more, just learn to wait for things to mature, ripe, and produce results before harvesting.

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